Invoices that require state approval:
If the invoice(s) exceed the ceiling amount, state approval will be required. SACWIS will display a red message denoting this.
The designated supervisor approves invoices that require state approval; there is a two-step process, which is additional approval before submitting them for approval.
In the comment section, please explain why state approval is required, e.g., for a housing change within a month or two custody episodes within a month).
Budgets also must be uploaded and reflect the invoice submitted.
Entering ENF invoices:
The invoice should be entered after the ENF has been approved and funds are expended for the expenses. It should also be completed after the monthly budget invoice(s) are completed to prevent exceeding the ceiling and requiring state approval.
The invoice is completed in the same way as the monthly budget. Selecting the specific service type and entering the service begin and end dates.
The total cost should reflect the amount expended for the service type on the ENF.
For other funding resources, only include if the participant is using their own funds or maintenance has been applied.
Denied Invoices
Invoices are routed back to the approver as "decline for rework"
The comment section will denote reason for decline
IV-E Eligibility and Invoices
Initial and Ongoing IV-E eligibility must be completed in order for the invoice to be submitted. In some cases the Reasonable Efforts requirement is being pulled into the IV-E Ongoing Eligiblility and since that is not completed it will state the participant is not IV-E Eligible. This is incorrect and it should not pull Reasonable Efforts
Complete a SACWIS Help Desk Ticket or Contact the SACWIS Help Desk for Assistance to resolve the issue.
(800) 686-1580 Option 3, Option 5