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Juvenile Justice System Involving Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Tuesday, Sept 1st @ System of Care Conference: Juvenile Justice System Involving Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors: Re-entry, Family Reunification, and Supervision

with Vanessa K. Tower, LISW-S, CPM, Ohio Dept of Youth Services (DYS), Division of Facility Support and Sonya Wade, M.A.O.L., Juvenile Sex Offender Coordinator, Ohio DYS, Division of Courts and Community.

Re-entry, family reunification, and supervision are elements that can be difficult yet are necessary when collaboratively working with youth who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors and who are returning to the community and/or home. This workshop will focus on strategies for continued habilitation of youth, and family and community empowerment as the youth re-enters the community. Various risk factors will be identified, expectations of parental/caregiver safeguarding of survivors will be discussed, and community supervision strategies will be explored which can be used by juvenile parole officers, parents/caregivers, and other collaborative partners.

Ohio Department of Youth Services (DYS)

The juvenile corrections system for the state of Ohio. One youth, one family, and one community at a time. DYS Core Values: Our BEST

The Ohio Department of Youth Services is the juvenile corrections system for the state of Ohio. DYS is statutorily mandated to confine felony offenders, ages 10 to 21, who have been adjudicated and committed by one of Ohio’s 88 county juvenile courts. During their stay with DYS, youth are engaged in programming that is designed to address their criminological and behavioral needs. Each of the DYS facilities also operates a year-round school that offers general curriculum as well as vocation opportunities.

DYS reaches thousands of youth in Ohio. Beyond youth in facilities and those on parole, DYS funds and supports 625 community programs throughout the state offering more than 93,000 youth (based on annual program admissions) opportunities and services to encourage positive change. These range from prevention and diversion programs to residential treatment and community treatment in areas such as mental health, sex offending and substance abuse.

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