Bridges Program
Bridges is a voluntary statewide program that empowers emancipated foster youth ages 18 to 21 who are pursuing independence in adulthood. It is administered through a public-private partnership between the Child & Family Health Collaborative of Ohio, a subsidiary of the Ohio Children’s Alliance, and the Ohio Department of Children and Youth.
Program History
In 2016, Ohio became the 25th state to establish a IV-E extension program when Governor John Kasich signed Ohio House Bill 50. Unlike some states, Ohio did not expand its child welfare system. Instead, a new and distinct program was designed to provide supports to youths aging out of the system and help them successfully transition into adulthood. This is the Bridges Program. The Collaborative is proud to have been selected by ODJFS to administer this program as the arrangement marks the first time that a IV-E extension is managed in a single statewide network.
Bridges is a voluntary program available to young adults between ages 18 and 20 who leave foster care in Ohio and are in school, working, participating in an employment program, or have a medical condition that prevents them from going to school or working. The program provides guidance and support on their personal development path.
The program is designed by ODJFS and informed by public and private agency staff, juvenile court staff and other stakeholders including former foster youth.
Bridges provides the following participant benefits:
Provides assistance in finding and maintaining gainful employment
Ensures there is access to safe, stable and healthy housing
Links to appropriate physical and behavioral health service
Provides guidance in skill-building for lifelong self-sufficiency​

Bridges Providers
Agape for Youth
Beech Brook
Cadence Care Network
Focus on Youth
Marsh Foundation
NewPath Child & Family Solutions
Northeast Youth Advocate Program
National Youth Advocate Program
Pathway Caring for Children
Pressley Ridge
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth
Shelter Care
Sojourner's Care Network
South Community
Southeast Healthcare Services
UMCH Family Services/CHOICES

Bridges has helped me through the steps of applying to universities,
encouraged me to stay on track and has over all helped guide me into adulthood.

Bridges has helped me so much. I am so glad I was able to find an apartment near campus so I could go back to in person classes. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Bridges.

Bridges has played a huge role, especially with my success. I can say that with the help of Bridges I was able to successfully graduate high school and apply what I have learned to real life practices.

Bridges has allowed me to take the time to focus on my mental health to stabilize myself enough to pursue college or work.

Bridges has helped me out so much with transitioning from school to living as an adult on my own. I probably wouldn't have been able to do it without their help.